quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016

Aniversário de 40 anos da ditadura militar na Argentina: A constante tentativa da direita em deslegitimizar os movimentos sociais e esconder os horrores do regime militar

O terrorismo de Estado é uma prática que, como muitos sabem, fez parte do cenário político na América Latina na segunda metade do século XX. Dentre eles, um dos piores foi o regime que assolou a nação argentina, e que completou quarenta anos em 2016. O autodenominado Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, foi responsável por um doloroso período que durou sete anos.
Em matéria especial publicada pela Folha de São Paulo, foram levantados dados relacionados ao regime e os movimentos sociais que lutam exaustivamente para preservar a memória de um período tão cruel e marcante para muitas famílias.

A junta militar que governou a Argentina foi responsável por diversos seqüestros, atos de tortura e desaparecimento de crianças, que foram retiradas de seus pais e distribuídas para que fossem criadas por famílias de militares, um dos atos mais cruéis da história do país. Até hoje, muitas mães lutam para encontrar seus filhos roubados, um processo lendo e doloroso.
Em meio à infinidade de crimes e violações que se sucederam na época, muitos ainda se prestam ao papel de deslegitimar a causa dos manifestantes e negar a verdadeira face do extremismo de direita na Argentina.

Após longos anos de muito estudo e investigação, o país conseguiu apontar a existência de mais de trinta mil desaparecidos, um número de fato grande, que retrata a magnitude da violência aplicada pelos militares. Apesar disso, muitos ainda insistem em dizer que o número é falso, fruto de levantamentos fraudulentos por parte dos ativistas, um julgamento equivocado e repudiável.
Pelo contrário, estima-se que o número de desaparecidos, torturados e mortos possa ser inclusive superior ao que foi levantado pelos ativistas argentinos no decorrer dos anos. Apenas pode falar com propriedade sobre as seqüelas do terrorismo de Estado aqueles que sofreram na pele o terror de uma ditadura, como os filhos, esposas, pais e até avós daqueles que foram seqüestrados, torturados e mortos.

Entre os anos de 2003 e 2015, os Kirchner foram exemplo ao realizar um complexo levantamento de dados e fatos históricos, fomentando a prisão, julgamento e condenação de ex-oficiais do período militar que violaram os direitos humanos. Ao contrário do Brasil, após a redemocratização, a Argentina tornou-se reconhecida em todo mundo por perseguir com maestria os torturadores, e colocá-los em seu devido lugar, ou seja, atrás das grades.
Mesmo com a consciência cidadã mais desenvolvida em relação ao tema “ditadura”, a Argentina também conta com mentes atrasadas e pessoas descompromissadas com a justiça, como quando o jornal La Nación publicou um editorial criticando os processos em andamento contra oficiais que praticaram tanto atos de tortura, como outras violações. Felizmente, o editorial foi rechaçado pelos próprios funcionários do jornal, que protestaram contra tamanha insensatez.
O próprio ministro da cultura do atual presidente Mauricio Macri afirmou que considerava excessivas as perseguições aos violadores dos direitos humanos, e com essa fala, foi rechaçado pela opinião pública.

Declarações como essas, por parte de um ministro da cultura, cultura essa que foi estrangulada pelas ferozes mãos do fascismo, não é de se impressionar, pois até mesmo um grupo de advogados argentinos, da associação Justicia y Concordia, se manifestou favorável ao governo militar na Argentina, com argumentos delirantes sobre o “avanço do comunismo” no continente e a necessidade em conter a onde de terroristas. Lamentavelmente, a Justicia e Concordia tem a audácia de chamar os ditadores argentinos de heróis.
Com essas tristes declarações, lamentáveis, conclui-se que ainda há muito trabalho à ser feito, pois até mesmo o presidente Mauricio Macri se manifestou contra a abertura de novos processos contra os torturadores, enquanto muitas mães e filhos ainda buscam respostas sobre o paradeiro de seus entes queridos, e clamam por justiça.

Embora a Argentina tenha sido um dos maiores exemplos latino-americanos na perseguição de torturadores, o avanço da direita no país vem enfraquecendo os movimentos sociais e silenciando a voz dos parentes das vitimas, mas a força do povo supera toda e qualquer tentativa de cercear a luta pela democracia, e a democracia plena só é alcançada quando os antigos torturadores são punidos à altura.

André Felipe Maria

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016


En Brasil, Uruguay o Argentina, en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el terrorismo de estado se hizo presente en una ola de asesinatos por parte de las autoridades legales en cada uno de estos países. En especial, en Chile, lo que ocurrió fue algo mucho más intenso y violento. En el dia 11 de septiembre de 1973, el general Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarde tomó el control del gobierno chileno, despues de un violento bombardeo al Palácio de La Moneda, donde trabajava el presidente electo Salvador Allende.

Allende, que tendria apojo popular y vocación para las questiones sociales, tenia ganas de cambiar la situación social de Chile y disminuir la desigualdade social. Acusado de estar intentando implantar una dictadura comunista en el país, Allende fue covardemente depuesto, en un día triste y simbolico, cuando aviones del ejercito bombardearon el palácio presidencial, encuanto trabajava en su oficina. Con el presidente muerto, el gerenal Augusto Pinochet inició un longo gobierno, marcado por derramamiento de sangre, tortura y censura a los medios de comunicación.

Pocos saben, pero la dictadura chilena que duró 17 años fue la más violenta de todas las demás en el continente americano, con apoyo total del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, que auxiliaron militarmente el ejercito chileno y ayudaron a destituir Allende. Con el pasar de los años, marcados por muchos casos de intensa tortura, el gobierno de Pinochet dejó más de 40.000 muertos y desaparecidos.

En un período sin libertad, Chile sufrió la terrible dolor del silencio, de la violencia estatal y ausencia de la participación política. Pinochet fue certamente el más sanguinário dictador de la América Latina. El peor de todo es que mismo despues de tantos crimenes contra el pueblo y la democrácia chilena, Pinochet murió en la impunidad, sin pagar por sus terribles hechos.
André Felipe Maria

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016

A covarde ameaça dos veículos de comunicação na América Latina

Nos últimos anos o poder das urnas deu espaço para uma expressiva presença de governos socialistas na América Latina. Os anos 2000 foram marcados pelo surgimento de grandes nomes da política de esquerda, principalmente na Venezuela e na Bolívia, como também, no Brasil, na Argentina e no Chile. Após sofrer significativa derrota nas urnas, o sistema neoliberal não se deu por vencido, e iniciou, por meio dos veículos de comunicação privados, uma massiva campanha contra os presidentes latino-americanos, focados em minimizar os atrasos sociais do continente, frutos das políticas colonialistas, neoliberais e dos governos autoritários de extrema direita, que fizeram da América Latina um verdadeiro quintal dos norte-americanos.

Com nomes como Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner e Luis Inácio, a América Latina pôde assumir um posto razoavelmente competitivo e se firmar como continente soberano e comprometido com o desenvolvimento social e cultural. Mesmo assim, muitos veículos privados passaram a investir contra esses líderes políticos que não atendiam aos almejos do grande capital e da elite econômica,, como Clarín na Argentina, a revista Veja no Brasil ou a RCTV na Venezuela, que protagonizou um dos capítulos mais vergonhosos para a comunicação na América Latina, quando deu respaldo ao golpe de estado que obrigou o presidente Hugo Chávez, eleito democraticamente, a deixar o Palácio Miraflores em Caracas, sob ameaça de ser bombardeado e morto, como foi mostrado pelo documentário La Revolución No Será Televisionada. Os veículos que apresentam participação majoritária no continente, em sua maioria, pertencem a oligarquias familiares que possuem vínculo com o capital internacional, e com isso, assumem a postura de porta-voz do sistema neoliberal.

De acordo com matéria publicada pelo site da revista Carta Capital no dia 17/06/16, por Victor Farinelli, ousadamente, Hugo Chávez e Cristina Kirchner foram dois governantes que bateram de frente com os grandes grupos, ao tentarem promover políticas para enfraquecer os monopólios e desenvolver emissoras governamentais, com programas educativos e culturais. Na Argentina, a Ley de Medios tinha o intuito de limitar o domínio dos monopólios e conter a precarização da informação, potencializada pelo vínculo dos grandes grupos de comunicação com o mercado, principalmente o mercado internacional. Com isso, o governo Kirchner foi acusado de estar censurando os veículos e limitando a liberdade de imprensa, o que na realidade é um equívoco, pois não se pode falar em liberdade quando apenas um grupo é responsável pela maioria esmagadora das informações que são veiculadas no país onde atua, tal como ocorre com o grupo Clarín na Argentina.

Da mesma forma, Chávez legalmente agiu contra o grupo RCTV ao não renovar sua concessão. Comprometido com a qualidade das informações transmitidas ao povo da Venezuela, o presidente Chávez tomou conhecimento das noticias forjadas que constantemente eram veiculadas pelo grupo e prudentemente agiu da melhor forma possível.

De maneira menos intensa, outros governantes latino-americanos tentaram driblar o poder dos grandes veículos, como fez a presidenta do Chile, Michelle Bachelet, que lançou um orçamento recorde para investir em emissoras de televisão públicas e criou um canal estatal voltado para a cultura. Isso potencializou uma onda de informações caluniosas ao seu respeito por parte de alguns veículos do país, vinculados ao neoliberalismo e insatisfeitos com a democratização da informação proposta pela presidenta.

Ironicamente, os mesmos grupos midiáticos que acusaram os governos social democratas de cercearem a liberdade, e que apoiaram notavelmente o fim desses governos, vide o que ocorreu no Brasil com a presidenta Dilma, hoje, sob o domínio de presidentes neoliberais como Michel Temer e o argentino Mauricio Macri, nada dizem a respeito das políticas comunicacionais duvidosas por parte de ambos presidentes. Na Argentina, após a divulgação do nome de Mauricio Macri nas listas dos Panamá Papers, o presidente lançou um projeto que prevê prisão para quem ousar denunciar casos envolvendo lavagem de dinheiro, criou emissoras estatais e eliminou da programação televisiva canais como o Russia Today e a TeleSur.

De maneira semelhante, o presidente interino do Brasil, Michel Temer, também foi seletivo ao distribuir verba pública para a comunicação, intervir nos meios públicos e limitar a manutenção de blogs e jornais alternativos com patrocínio do governo. Com isso, a comunicação no Brasil continua estando a mercê de grupos como a Editora Abril, o Grupo Globo e outros grandes veículos como a Folha de São Paulo, o Estadão e sites como o UOL, vinculado à Folha de São Paulo, o Terra e demais veículos igualmente expressivos.

Com isso, os veículos de comunicação vinculados aos grandes grupos vem conseguindo assumir posições privilegiadas e exercer influência sobre a formação cultural e direcionamento político dos povos dos países latino-americanos. A postura social democrata, os investimentos em informação de qualidade, educação e noção política, nada interessam ao sistema neoliberal, que possui total apoio da mídia de das oligarquias familiares que as controlam. 

André Felipe Maria

TOP 10 places to see and visit in Rio (No official)

10 - Selarón Stair: This colourful stair where made by the chilen artist Jorge Selarón, in the region of Lapa. Jorge, in the 90´s, decided to revitalize the stair in front of his house, with different styles of tiles and many colours. After a long time of work, the Selarón Stair were finally considered Rio´s cultural and historical patrimony by the cuncil, becoming famous all around the world and being scene for videoclipes of Snoop Dogg and U2. There you can take great photographs in the steps and look the details of the tiles. If art, history and culture are things that you look for on a vacation, you must visit Selarón Stairs!

9 - Lapa: I´d like to introduce you one of the most intense regions in Rio, the Lapa! Full of clubs, bars and restaurants, this attraction is perfect for travellers who love nightlife. There you can see de Lapa´s Archs, a huge monument located in the central part of Rio, and admire the marvelous historic buildings iluminated by colourful lights. The diversity of this region is notorious, where you will see people of all of social classes, styles and cultures. Lapa is perfect for people who like to experience cultural distinctions.

8 - Cinelândia: This place is where everything happens! Cinelândia is basically the center of Rio, where are the modern buildings, cultural and historical attractions, where people work and manifest politically and artistically. This region is full of great museums, amazing bookstores and public buildings. In the principal square you can see the town hall, the marvelous city´s theatre, churches and many other things that a global city as Rio has. Cinelândia is appropriated for architecture lovers, who can contemplate the modern and the ancient, together in the same place.

7 - National Library: Free, this attraction is one of the most incredible buildings in Rio. Inspired in the european architecture, the details of the handrails are impressive and call the attention of the Library visitors. Built in 1810, the National Library was idealized by the portuguese king D. João, who brought a colection of books and other documents from Europe to Brazil. Actually, the library collection contain more than nine million titles!

6 - Leme Beach: Secure, tranquil and beautiful, this beach is next to Copacabana and don´t lose nothing for the famous neighbour. Sofisticated, the Leme Beach provides an incredible view of the coast, with great hotels and restaurants. There you can appreciate de ocean breeze while have some seafood in the restaurants next to the beach, or take a picture with the statue of the famous brazilian writer, Clarice Lispector.

5 - Banco do Brasil Cultural Center: This building, the old Brazil´s Bank headquarters, is located next to the National Library and Cinelândia, and suprise all of the visitors who are in Rio by it´s architecture and marvelousness. The huge building was converted on a free museum that brings hight quality expositions and cultural events in general. This attraction proves that Rio de Janeiro is more than beaches and forests, and can offer great options for museum lovers. BBCC is clearly one of the best attractions in Rio.

4 - Two Brothers Mountain: This marvelous natural attraction can be seen from the beach of Ipanema, Leblon and Arpoador, where people goes to see the incredible sunset from the stones. This rock formation is composed by two peaks and is enormous. Clearly beautiful, the Two Brothers Mountain is what makes Ipanema beach as marvelous as people know, and for sure, is one of the TOP 10 places to see in Rio.

3 - Copacabana Beach: The most famous beach in Rio couldn´t be out of this ranking. Just who visit personally and see the marvelousness of this attraction can mesure how perfect this beach is. From there you can see the Sugar Loaf, take pictures with the statues of some brazilian celebrities as musicians and writers, relax on the beach feeling the sea breeze, enjoy the night life at the bars in the coast or admire the sofistication of some hotels and apartments at the beachfront. Copacabana is appropriated for who want to practice sports, and is where some Olympic games are going to happen. If you have plans to visit Rio, don´t lose the opportunity to visit Copacabana Beach.

2 - Lage Park: This park is one of the most impressive attraction. Located below the Corcovado Mountain, this place was a property of a very rich man in Brazil, and now, is a public park, open for free. There you can have contact with the nature and many different species of plants, flowers and trees and admire the gorgeous palace located in the center of the park, the old house of the ex-owner of the property. The architecture, the nature and the Christ Redeemer which can be seen from the park, are some of the things that makes this place the second best attraction in Rio.

1 - Sugar Loaf: The best couldn´t be other! This iconic mountain is one of the most famous symbols of the marvelous city of Rio. Seen from many parts of the city, the Sugar Loaf provides one of the most beautiful sights in the world, where you can see the huge extention of the sea and the incredible city of Rio de Janeiro. To move up in the mountain, you can take a trail on foot or get the cable. After move up, you can stay the time you want in the top of the mountain, until it closes. There you can have an açaí, a tipical and delicious sweet from Brazil, similar to an  icecream, made by a fruit found in the Amazon rainforest, relax and admire the beauties of Rio. Avoid this attraction on cloudy days, because with this conditions, is impossible to see something up there. 

André Felipe Maria

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2016

The new coup in Brazil

Is true that Brazil is passing by a dark time. facing the highest economical crise in history and being ruled by a corrupt and polarized political crew, whose are on a race to gain the control of the nation, enjoying the clime of tension and insatisfaction on the people to make political deals to make easier the acheaviment of the president´s chair.
The actual government, leadered by Dilma Roussef, an ex-militant during the militar coup in Brazil, who was tortured by cops and submitted to violations of the human rights, is facing the worst credibility crise of the brazilian new democracy.

Is true that president´s party, the PT (Workers Party), is compound by a big number of corrupt politicians, but the brazilian people is forgetting that many other parties are also involved on scandals, in the same proportion. 
The protesters against the government are not thinking and measurand that this Impeachment is just a process organized by the oposition, equally corrupt, to remove a democratically elected president and achieve the power without a formal, popular and democratic election.

The congress president, Eduardo Cunha, accused to have secret accounts in Switzerland, is recently making deals with Dilma´s vice president, from the same party, enjoying the protests to legitimize a non democratic act to impeach the president.
Dilma is being accused of fiscal irresponsibility, something that were made by other presidents in Brazil, which indicates that the real intention on this process is not respect the brazilian law, but apply an institutional coup. The process of impeachment, voted on this month by the congress, composed by one third of politics whose are responding by accusations of many different crimes, is on tramitation to remove a president without any accusation of corruption. What can we expect of a process against corruption leadered by a corrupt?

What proves that Dilma is not a corruption supporter is the fact that during her government, many processes were performed against organizations of politicias, including from her party, and she never tried to disturb the investigations and respected the legitimacy of those processes. Some people use to say that Brazil is facing the worst transparency crise ever, with the highest index of corruption in the history of the country, but the truth is that problems with the honesty of the politicians is part of the brazilian history, since the colonization, and now, the rot inside de political system is on the media, letting brazilian people know much more about the sad reality. Dilma, beside wasn´t mentioned on the delations, fight vehemently against the corruption, and probably, is being the target of those groups of politicias who want to run away of the investigations.

The president of the brazilian parliament Eduardo Cunha and the vice president Michel Temer, both from the PMDB. the most representative party in the congress, are arming an outrage to the Brazilian democracy, following a hipocrit discurse of a gang composed by criminals who are preying the public safes of Brazil, suported by the media and huge conglomerates of comunication which are endorsing the coup.
The intentions behind this Impeachment are related to the social vocation of Dilma´s administration, following the proposes of the predecessor Lula, giving more stability to the poors and workers in Brazil, something that is not interesting to the country´s high class.

The president elected by more than 54 millions of votes, though is not administrating well the economy in the nation, don´t have any indictiment, any!
The reality of the coup in course was recognized by the media all around the world, like newspapers, tv channels and magazines from France, England, Quatar, Argentina, Germany, Ireland, United States and many other countries.
The polarized country is being marked by protests calling for the impeachment or supporting the president, but the world must know that this process is a fake indirectly election, a way to gain the power without a democratical election.

André Felipe Maria

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

Most beautiful countries in Latin America (No official)

10. Venezuela: With a caribean coast full off marvelous beaches and islands, this country in South Amercia is famous by it´s natural diversity and culture. In Venezuela you can visit the tallest waterfall in the world and also the Los Roques archipelago, one breathtaking destiny of cristal water. If you like urban centers and modernity, Caracas would be a marvelous stop point, where you can find museums, good restaurants and historic monuments. From islands like Isla Margarita to the Canaima National Park, Venezuela is a place where people must visit.

9. Bolívia: Home of the famous lhamas and part of the Amazon rainforest, this country hide lots of misteries and curiosities. The lack of beaches is not a problem to Bolivia, because the country is home of one big and incredible lake, the lake Titicaca, sorrounded by mountains, where tourists can trip on a boat and see all the bolivian landscapes. The better destination, with no doubt, is the Salar of Uyuni, a desert of salt in the central part of Bolivia, an unique experience that just who visit and see by itself can feel.

8. Cuba: Beaches, beaches and more beaches! What can we expect from an island in the caribean sea? Cuba is a unique place, where you can try some tasty seafood at the resorts, or practice diving on the clean and blue water to see the animals of the caribean coast. Beside the exuberant nature, Cuba hide many mysteries, as acient buildings, exotic religions and cultural identities. Walking around Havana, tha capital city, you can see traditional cars of many colours. Cuba is not the most beautiful of this list, but for sure, is the most surprising!

7. Colômbia: Neighbour of Venezuela, this nation is a mix of modernity and nature. In Bogotá, the capital and biggest city, you can contemplate the hightest skyscrapers of Colômbia, visit the Gold Museum, walk around the historic center or taste some the traditional colombian food. Other city that MUST be visited is Medellín, there you can learn more about the urban revitalization that transformed the most violent city in Latin America in an example of quality of life, check Fernando Botero´s museum and see the best of colombian art. But if you are full of cars and polution you can choose San Andres Island, a breathtaking landscape in the caribean coast, pass the vacation at a resort in Guatepé or enjoy the ocean breeze in the marvelous Cartagena.

6. Ecuador: Vulcans, snowy mountains, beaches, islands and history, this is Ecuador. The country located in South America, which was elected the best place for elderly people, contain everything, from tropical forests to cold mountains, Ecuador is unique. The capital Quito, elected heritage of humanity by Unesco, full of historical buildings, museums and squares is a complement to the variety of atractions in the country. The Galapagos Island, place where Darwin built important parts of his research, is stronghold of a multiplicity of animals and plants, in the land and in the water. Equador is clearly marvelous!

5. Chile: If you want to apreciate the winter in Latin America, the best place would be Chile. One of the most developed nations in the continent, there you can see snowy mountains, deserts, modern cities and isolated islands. In Santiago you can visit the Human Rights Museum, in memory of the victims during the militar coup in Chile, the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Central Market, where you can try the delicious centolla, the tipical giant red crab. The capital of the country is considered the modernest city in Latin America, home of the biggest skyscraper of the continent, the Costanera Center. Next to the city there is a snowboarding station, a perfect place to have fun during the winter in Santiago. More than this, Chile have vocation on nature attractions, especially in the south where you can see the Torres del Paine, a group of ice mountains that are considered patrimony of the World.

 4. México: Cancún, Acapulco, Guanajuato, Puebla, Isla Mujeres...México! This famous country is one of the most diverse and extreme places in earth. The tipical foods are unique, the colours and the flavours of this paradise, stays on the memory of all of the visitors. Traditional celebrations, music and dances, are elements that make México the richest country in terms of cultural diversity. El Dia de Los Muertos, a very important day to the mexican people, brings back the memory of the deaths and modifies the sadness of the date, because for them, the death is part of the life and must be celebrated with food, music and dances. For fanatics by architecture, México City, the capital and biggest urban center of the nation, is the perfect place, where people can contemplate the modernity of the buildings and walk in the streets to see the historic monuments. For fans of history and ancient buildings, the best place would be Chitchen Itza, a group of pyramids of the native mexicans. From the colourful Guanajuato to the cristal waters of Cancun, México can be called a piece of the heaven, where modernity, nature and history are in the same place.

3. Argentina: This country is a dream. Is not for nothing that the owner of the american brand Patagônia got the inspiration to creat the name of the company after a vacation in the south of Argentina. The unforgettable panorama of the argentinian Patagonia, the snowy destinations all across the nation, El Calafate and the sofisticated city of Bariloche are some of the motives which made Argentina the third most beautiful place in Latin America. Snowboarding, clibing or have a hot chocolate inside a marvelous cabin, looking to the lakes and mountains, are some of the attractions that you can include on your trip list. If you prefere something more agitated, you should elect Buenos Aires to stay during your vacation. Sofisticated, glamorous and cosmopolitan, Buenos Aires, the argentinian capital, certainly will make you fall in love and desire back in the future. Inspired by the european architecture, the biggest city of this lovely nation is crowded by galeries, museums, stores and amazing night clubs. Secure, clean and cold, Buenos Aires is different from anything in Latin America.

2. Brazil: Big, intense and diverse, the second position goes to Brazil. The largest nation of the continent, famous by it´s beaches and forests, can offer you more than Rio de Janeiro. Can you imagine that you can enjoy the winter in Brazil?
Yes, if you elect trip to the marvelous and organized cities in the south of the country, as Curitiba, Gramado or Porto Alegre, for exemple, you will see that in Brazil there aren´t just beaches and high temperatures. But, if you prefere the summer and the traditional brazilians destinations, you must visit Fernando de Noronha, elected in 2015 the most beautiful beach in the World by the website TripAdivisor, this island is a real paradise, and also, the better place for a vacation in Brazil. For travelers with limited budget, Fernando de Noronha is not the best option, because the costs to visit the island are expensive and inacesible. In a situation of limited cash, Brazil offer free and amazing attractions in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, where the traveler can stay on a hostel and check online the museums and monuments which are free of any cost, or also, walk in the streets of São Paulo to photograph some skyscrapers or see the sunset on the marvelous beaches of Rio. For who want to live different experiences in the same city, Manaus would be perfect. Located in the north of Brazil, this big city has the privilege to possess a luxury theater, next to the second biggest river bridge in the world and near to the Amazon rainforest, the most complete stronghold of biodiversity in the planet. More than all of those cities, in Salvador, the visitor can contemplate the rich historical identity of Brazil, stamped on the colourful houses of this simpatetic city, have a coconut water in the beaches of Fortaleza or simply relax on the unique Lençois Maranhenses. You MUST visit Brazil.

1. Peru: Finally the first! This mystic country, land of the ancient society of natives, the Incas, is the new destination which are attracting foreig visitors to Latin America and developing the infroestructure of tourism in the country. Lima, the capital is fantastic, the churches there, inspired on the spanish style, are complements for the magnificent of the biggest peruvian city. If you want to feel the pacific ocean breeze, you can spend your time at Miraflores, a sofisticated region in the coast of Lima, full of stores, malls, restaurants, parks and modern buildings, which you can see from the top, practicing skydiving up on the beach. The modernity of Lima is exciting and contrasts with the tradition of mythical cities like Puno or Cusco, where you can enjoy more of the peruvian history and architecture, watching cultural demonstrations as dances, musics and an unique culinary. In Puno you can live part of the ancient tradicion in Peru and enjoy the cold in the banks of Lake Titicaca, and in Cusco, you can feel the energy of the mystical identity of the place. The best place that must be visited in Peru is clearly the emblematic Machu Picchu, the ruins of the ancient civilization, in the top a breathtaking mountain, surrounded by an incredible panorama of trees and mounts, which were elected one of the seven wonders of the world. A trip to never forget!

André Felipe Maria

sábado, 12 de março de 2016

La gasolina más barata del mundo

Sin embargo, la gasolina es uno de los productos de mayor utilidad para cualquier país o persona, pues es un bien de primera utilidad, lo cual nadie podría vivir sin. Por supuesto, los precios influyen mucho en la calidad de vida de los dependientes de la gasolina, que diariamente la necesitan para trabajar, llevar los niños a la escuela, o solamente salir a divertirse. Los altos precios de la gasolina poden ser un problema para toda la población de un país, que necesita de sus coches para hacer casi todo.
Se usted costumbra pagar un alto precio por la gasolina en su país, sepa que existe una nación hispanoamericana dónde la gasolina es increíblemente barata. 
Este país es Venezuela! Famosa por los problemas con la distribución de productos, violencia y grande cantidad de petróleo, esta república bolivariana es un país donde los precios de la gasolina hacerían envidioso cualquier ciudadano de otro país vecino.

 Con los precios de la gasolina más bajos que una botella de agua, Venezuela disfruta de la gasolina más barata del planeta. Este privilegio solo es posible porque el país ostenta la posición de nación con mayores reservas petroleras, y también, es uno de los miembros de la OPEP (Organización de los Países Explotadores de Petróleo).

Siendo así, es muy más fácil para que los jóvenes salgan a divertirse, pues con poco, pueden llenar el tanque de sus coches, o para los trabajadores, que en un país con Venezuela, donde es usual utilizar coches para la locomoción, el precio de la gasolina es algo tan importante. 
Así es un país socialista, dónde el gobierno piensa en cómo hacer con que los trabajadores ahorren sus salarios, intentando disminuir los costos cada vez más.

André Felipe Maria